“Who Flushed My Book Down the Toilet?”

Charley R B Catz
2 min readJun 7, 2021


Now water is flowing down the sidewalk.

I was assigned a large project of writing a book at a very fast pace. The timeline was a chapter or most of a chapter each week.

“Writer’s block”, if you haven’t heard of it, it’s real. I have a very creative mind but when my brain is told to ramp it up . . . poof . . . it goes out the window.

After struggling for over a month on this project, I was constantly told everything I’ve been writing, up to this point, was very slow paced and I needed to add more conflict.

I wrote a screenplay a long time ago and was using it as the bases for my new book I was trying to write. My screenplay gave me a brief idea how to advance on through a book.

Part way into this book, I came up with a great, high conflict book idea. Asking my instructor if I could switch to this new project, I was told they didn’t want to have to read more of my writing than necessary. I was given a firm “no”.

Okay, at this point, I feel someone just “flushed my book down the toilet”. I kept going and finished my first draft and was given a reasonable grade. That’s ok too because I still have my high conflict book idea I’m going to pursue in the near future.

To the past instructor, you can’t keep me down and my new book won’t be flushed down the toilet. How to Write a Book in 15 Simple Steps.

(This was created for my #CIS103 Class, Summer, 2021 Scottsdale Community College)



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